Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Southern Treatment Post Civil War

Reconstruction is the act of rebuilding afterwards something has being destroyed. In the early ages of America when the president was Abraham Lincoln in that respect was a split between the northerly narrates and the s protrudehern states for each one with their get motives. The s bulge outhern states wanted to keep slavery the Yankee did not. The stop consonant of reconstruction started when a huge state of war broke out against the confederate states and the northern states. The end burden of the war was the northern states winning and the southern states getting entirely obliterated. The entire state of the southern states was demolished. Everyones land in the south had been decimated with dust being the solo thing left. afterwards Abraham Lincoln was assassinate Andrew Johnson took power. Many of the people did not institutionalise him because he was a former democrat. Many things occurred after the cultured war. People were query how the confederate government failers can work in the f both in States government now. But boilers suit freedmen, S another(prenominal)n citizens, and confederate military and policy-making leaders were treated raw by the north. Freedmen from the southern states were treated especially unfair in the condemnation of reconstruction. During reconstruction there was a actors associate called the freedmen bureau to serve well all the African American slaves that just became free. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
However, this bureau became a complete ruin because it failed to alleviate the African American community in America. This bureau only boostered educate 250, 000 of the over four million threatening po! pulation in the United States. The money, food, clothing, and land they had been given had release out very quickly and the government would not help them after at all. President Johnson was clear that he would not help the freedmen at all. Even though he has helped the other freedmen in the north he is not willing to help the southerners. During this time also blacks were kept from voting. They were not allowed to vote at all which was unfair. The freedmen of the south had received...If you want to get a unspoiled essay, set it on our website:

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