Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The guiding principles that govern good rill design, development and compend ar severity, reliability, unimaginativeity, washback, authenticity, transpargonncy and security. The term severity refers to the extent to which a covert measures what it says it measures. In other words, strain what you teach, how you teach it! Types of harshness complicate content, construct, and face. For classroom teachers, content validity means that the test assesses the mannikin content and outcomes using formats familiar to the students. Construct validity refers to the tot up between the underlying theories and methodology of language teaching and the eccentric person of assessment. For psychometric testple, a communicative language learning aerial must be matched by communicative language testing. verbalism validity means that the test looks as though it measures what it is suppose to measure. This is an authoritative factor for both students and administrators. Other types of validity are more appropriate to large-scale assessment. Reliability refers to the consistency of test scores. It exactly means that a test would give uniform results if it were attached at another time. Three important factors proceeding test reliability. Test factors such as the formats and content of the questions and the length of the interrogatory must be consistent. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
For example, testing research shows that continuing exams cite more reliable results than very brief quizzes. administrative factors are alike important for reliability. These include the classroom background prognosticate (lighting, s eating arrangements, acoustics, lack of intr! usive noise etc.) and how the teacher manages the exam administration. Affective factors in the response of individual students can to a fault affect reliability. Test anxiety can be allayed by coaching students in good test-taking strategies. Classroom teachers are headland familiar with serviceable issues, but they need to think of how practical matters relate to testing. A good classroom test should be teacher-friendly. A teacher should be able to...If you want to stand out a full essay, order it on our website:

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