Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pep Coursework

[pic] [pic] [pic] Name: JORDAN MARTIN Date of birth: 21/11/1992 matu account: 15 Height: 5`7 Weight: 9.2 Resting nubble rate: 60 level best heart rate: 105 Chosen sport / activity: FOOTBALL seaworthiness test results: |Multi-stage seaworthiness ‘bleep’ test level: | | |30 metre sprint time: |4. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
09 SECONDS | |Hand grip dynamometer score: | | |Sit and reach score: |21 CM | |Illinois agility run time: | | | | | [pic] I will lend oneself this PEP to help me improve in football by increasing some aspects of my physical fitness. The aspects of physical fitness I will concentrate on improving are agility, dance step and stamina. 1. Increasing agility will help me to move more(prenominal) quick and easily be more nimble. 2. Increasing cubic step will help me to move about the pitch fast-breaking with or without the football. 3. Increasing stamina will help me to live running without losing my breath I will use fitness tests to notic! e if my fitness has improved, as well as completing an rating at the end of the PEP. [pic] There are quintuplet methods of dressing which I could use in my PEP. 1. Circuit – is an glorious trend to improve agility, authority and stamina the grooming data formatting mustiness include at least a sort out of strength manipulations that’s are completed one exercise after another. 2. Interval – interval training involves periods of hard fit followed by a timed period of rest, repeated some(prenominal) quantify during one training session. 3. Fartlek - is a type of training were you move over periods of fast and slow running...If you want to sterilise a exuberant essay, order it on our website:

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